Hooker, William - Heart of the Sun CD (Mega Blowout Sale)

SKU 23-E051
William Hooker (drums)
David Soldier (violin, banjo, guitar)
Roy Campbell (trumpet, pocket trumpet, flute)

“Really free jazz – relaxing, slowly flowing, reflecting and freeing your ears from melodic stereotypes of the mainstream. William Hooker - drums, David Soldier - violin, banjo, guitar, Roy Campbell - trumpet, pocket trumpet, flute make excellent use to the finer, more silent possibilities of their instrument to create soundscapes of memories – here a little early AAC, there bits of Ayler. The violin in “Reflector of truth” evokes Ayler’s “Truth is Marching In”-Klaus Mueller
  • Labelengine
  • UPC766150099614
Your Price $6.00

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