Dearie, Blossom - Teach Me Tonight (Mega Blowout Sale)
One of the most instantly recognizable voices of jazz of the 50s, 60s and beyond. She influenced lots of indie rock bands' female vocalists with her youthful style.
When Blossom Dearie first emerged as a solo artist she was already unique in many ways. Straightaway there was that voice - kittenish, intimate, coquettish and understated where so many other jazz divas were straining to belt out every song. With the fascinating 1957-58 albums 'Give Him the Ooh-la-la' and 'Once Upon a Summertime' Blossom finds a unique, light, refined niche on the popside of jazz. Ray Brown remains for the 1958 set with Herb Ellis and Jo Jones replaced by Mundell Lowe and Ed Thigpen. Her meteoric jazz career for Verve apart, Blossom Dearie left an indelible impression on mainstream seventies America with her breathtakingly unique performances of Unpack Your Adjectives and Figure Eight for the educational animated TV programme 'Schoolhouse Rock' and the cute, groovy quality of her work."
"I don't mean to sound overly sentimental but it was one evening in 1959 that I dropped into a small saloon in Greenwich Village in New York and heard that piano skill and that unique voice for the first time. I leaned against the bar and I was enchanted."