Magma - Kohntarkosz CD (expanded)

SKU 15-Rex 8V2
“Unavailable since months in its original version, finally here is Magma’s fourth and legendary album in a digipack remastered deluxe edition, including a never heard before 32 minutes live track of the head title, recorded during the 2015 China tour. Unique opportunity 8 years later, to hear the band surrounding the telluric guitar of the late and much missed James McGaw.”

“This bonus version of Köhntarkösz, recorded in Beijing, remains an unforgettable memory...
I remember James telling us after the concert:
"This is the best chorus I've ever taken on this tune!"
This was James at the top of his game, possessed by a frenzied energy, and despite the years this solo is as intense as ever.
We are delighted to share it with you.
From us to you dear James…Christian”
  • LabelSeventh
  • UPC3760150891015
Your Price $24.00

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