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18-GOD 134
"The first LP of Faithful Breath, ”Fading Beauty” from 1974, has meanwhile become a classic of symphonic rock and can definitely be recommended. In 1977/1978 they recorded their second album ”Back on my hill” - again including the mellotron - which was released only in 1980, on the Sky label. The long track on the flip side has been played in keeping with the first LP’s style. The first side consists of four shorter tracks already with some hard rock sounds - some few years later Faithful Breath should develop into a real hard rock and metal band. As a bonus track the CD includes ”Die Mörderbiene” (The killer bee) from their 12” EP which had also been released on Sky in 1980. The whole material, including the bonus track, has been drawn from the master tapes."
Garden of Delights
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