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Doppelmoppel - Aventure Quebecoise

KONRAD BAUER : tromboneJOHANNES BAUER : tromboneUWE KROPINSKI : guitare acoustiqueJOE SACHSE : guitare lectriqueTHE HIGHLIGHT OF THE 15th FIMAV 1998It was a rare opportunity to hear DOPPELMOPPEL, the wondrous Berlin quartet. The group presents a continuous scale that begins in restraint and ends in exuberance, from Konrad controlled mastery of subtle multiphonics to Johannes extravagant use of mutes and playful combining of trombone and vocal elements.The two guitarists are absolute masters of drumming on their instruments, adding a significant and sustained element of percussion to the unusual palette. The odd binary structure of the band, in its personalities as well as its instruments, creates music that is often in two places at once, a joyous explosion of diverging idioms. At one point Sachse played a refined rendition of Mingus Goodbye Pork Pie Hat punctuated by great bleats fromJohannes Bauers trombone. - STUART BROOMER, Coda Magazine
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