Aurora Clara - Transformation CD

SKU Youkali 177
Raul Mannola - guitars
Juan Carlos Aracil - flutes
Stanislav Borisov - keyboards
Marco Anderson - drums and percussion
Nill Oliveira - bass
guest musicians:
Jerry Goodman - violin
Santiago Reyther Duvergel - congas & percussion
Agosto Bandolero - cajon

Aurora Clara are a Spanish instrumental fusion band. This is their first album.
They are obviously hugely inspired by the original Mahavishnu Orchestra, as they proudly feature guest spots by Jerry Goodman on both their albums, but their range of sound is more than just that, and sometimes the progressive / jazz-rock riffing by the flutes/guitars/keyboards also brings to mind Kenso.
Really good stuff.

“On this album the main musical influences of the ensemble are clearly represented: from Modal Jazz, Progressive Rock, Flamenco, Funk, Latin Jazz & Rock, to Indian music, Boogie, Acid Rock, and a lot of Blues. The combination of well structured compositions and inspired soloing gives the album the feeling and the freshness of a live concert. Each of the three main soloists guitar, flute and keyboards have a very different background which gives plenty of variety of expression and vocabulary to the music. The rhythm section keeps it grooving and under control even during the wildest moments of the improvisations. The music therefore is shot through with vitality, spontaneity and pulsating rhythm.”
  • LabelYoukali
  • UPC7713042413785
Your Price $11.00

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